Our Company

For over 60 years we've maintained a disciplined approach to business. This allows us to deliver security and unsurpassed customer service to our customers, while supporting our employees and the communities where we live and work.


Performance in 2023

$4.4 B

Gross Written Premium


Combined Ratio


AM Best Rating

PHLY's History

Our PHLY Story

James J. Maguire, Sr. is the Founder of Philadelphia Consolidated Holding Corporation. In 1980, Mr. Maguire formed the Company, which today owns several subsidiaries including Maguire Insurance Agency, Inc., an insurance marketing company licensed in all states; Tokio Marine Specialty Insurance Company, approved to write surplus lines insurance in all states; and Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company, its flagship company, licensed to write property and casualty insurance in all 50 states.

The Maguire Insurance Agency was formed in 1962 and began offering specialized insurance solutions to the automobile industry. In 1969, the Maguire Insurance Agency landed its first nationwide account with Chevrolet dealers. This led to the creation of the innovative and comprehensive WHEELWAYS program for automobile dealers. On the strength of this program, the Maguire Insurance Agency expanded to 15 offices across the country by the mid-70's.

The Company began operating as Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) in 1987 and two years later started offering insurance to non-profit social service agencies and health and fitness clubs - two niches which remain at the core of its business today. After going public in 1993, PHLY would eventually grow to offer coverage in over 80 niche business markets and employ 1,600 people in 50 offices across the country. In December of 2008, Mr. Maguire - working with the CEO and PHLY management team - negotiated and completed what is considered to be one of the largest transactions for financial firms in Japanese history, merging PHLY with the Tokio Marine Group.

Mr. Maguire, a Korean War veteran, is a graduate of Saint Joseph's University ('58) and also holds honorary degrees in Law from Gwynedd-Mercy College, Chestnut Hill College, and is an honorary member of Beta Gamma Sigma. He is a past member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for The Pennsylvania Insurance Federation, a charter member of the St. Joseph's University Magis Society, a recipient of the Shield of Loyola (the University's highest honor), and has been honored by the University which named their new 38 acre Merion campus "The James J. Maguire '58 Campus." He is also the author of a biography titled "Just Show Up Every Day" (available on Amazon.com and the Kindle Store), which chronicles the history of Philadelphia Insurance Companies, the Maguire family, and his personal struggle with dyslexia. Mr. and Mrs. Maguire are Co-Principals of the Maguire Foundation, a philanthropic enterprise which focuses its resources on education.

Under Mr. Maguire's leadership, his company was active in Philadelphia Futures, a mentoring program for underprivileged intercity high school students. This participation funded five students who attended Saint Joseph's University. Other major non-profit programs which Maguire Foundation support and sponsor include the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in Germantown, Mercy Vocational High School where they underwrite the business education program, St. Vincent's Shelter in Germantown, PA, a soup kitchen and summer camp for underprivileged children and a number of other Philadelphia area non profit institutions. Also, he and his family are major fundraisers for St. Vincent's Thanksgiving morning 5-mile "Turkey Trot" which has been run consecutively for the past decade.

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