Land Conservancy Insurance- Philadelphia Insurance Companies

Hunters and Land Conservancies - Unexpected Partners, Surprising Benefits

At first glance, hunters and land conservancies seem to have goals on opposite ends of the spectrum. One group is all about tracking, capturing, and killing wild animals for sport or food. The other is all about preservation.

But you may be surprised to find out that hunters and land conservancies have shared a passion for preservation since 1903. That is when our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt, founded the National Wildlife Refuge System.

Roosevelt combined his love of big game hunting and nature to create the United States Forest Service, 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national game preserves, and five national parks. And he protected 230 million acres of public land.

He did this so that future generations could enjoy and sustain our wildlife and environment. It was an unexpected partnership with surprising benefits. To this day, it helps control ecosystem damage. It also funds conservation programs via hunting and fishing license fees as well as taxes on fishing and hunting gear.

It's also a partnership that made sense to Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY), a leading underwriter for outdoor insurance.

"We recently welcomed the Land Conservancy niche into our Outdoor Products unit because they have similar wildlife and environmental activities," says Melissa Rucker, Underwriting Manager at PHLY. "While the unit includes Hunting insurance and Guides and Outfitters insurance, it also includes Hunting Preserves, Bed and Breakfasts, Lodges, and other clients that have many activities or exposures in common with Land Conservancy organizations. We are excited to share our deep knowledge and insurance solutions."

How Outdoor Recreation Insurance can Help Protect Land Conservancies

Conservancies have many jobs to do - land cleanup and recycling, protecting animals, or tours, camps, and events. That means there are also many opportunities for volunteers, staff, or visitors to be injured or harmed.

"It's easy to get all the insurance your land conservancy clients need here at PHLY," says Rucker. "We can bundle other coverages such as Property, Inland Marine, or Crime together with General Liability into one convenient policy. Because of our expertise in outdoor recreation and non-profits, we understand the various risks faced and know what's important to protect."

This includes coverage for the special events that can be critical to a non-profit's fundraising and public relations goals, as well as participant accident coverage that is key to protect volunteers from out-of-pocket medical costs if they are injured.

Activity guides are also eligible for coverage - and not just guides for hiking, hunting, or fishing. Tour guides and those leading walking tours of historic properties, parks, and other locations are covered, too. (Sub-contracted tour guides as well as summer camps and afterschool programs run by the conservancy can also be covered.)

In addition, if wildlife culling is necessary, your clients are protected from risk when it is provided and controlled by sports enthusiasts. It's more evidence of the strong connection between hunting and conservation.

These are the kinds of observations PHLY makes about customers and their needs every day, and when PHLY sees similar experiences across niches (such as hunting and land conservancy), that knowledge benefits everyone.

Staying on top - and ahead - of customers' needs

With over 15 years of outdoor recreation experience, PHLY is the first choice for unique new coverages and enhancements. The latest is its popular Hunting Lease Quick Quotes portal. When used for clients interested in leasing land for hunting, agents don't have to complete the regular three-page application. Plus, they get a proposal in 24-48 hours.

Additionally, "We work to quickly adapt and find coverage solutions for new activities such as axe-throwing and stand up paddle boarding," says Rucker. "We know how important it is to stay on top of the activities offered in the marketplace so that the client can remain relevant."

PHLY also offers many no-cost risk management services to help further reduce claims risk and keep participants physically safe:

  • Evaluation of safety policies and how to enhance them
  • Helping put reporting procedures in place, including incident reports
  • Property inspections (especially important for managing fire risk and tree stand safety)
  • Equipment inspections (such as for maintenance and warranties, food preparation)
  • License reviews (also for food preparation)
  • Driver training (for the transport of clients), including ATV and snowmobile management

These extra services can help decrease the risk exposures faced by your land conservancy, hunting, and other outdoor-based clients.

Help your clients benefit with the right partnership

Your land conservancy clients can now get the advantage of PHLY's extensive outdoor insurance experience for themselves. And if you have a club or individual interested in leasing land for their private hunting, remember to use the Hunting Quick Quotes portal. With an A++ (Superior) rating for financial strength by AM Best Company, PHLY is a partner you can trust with all of your clients' needs.

Learn more about PHLY's land conservancy insurance and how PHLY can help. Contact your PHLY Rep today.

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