General Liability Insurance for Special Events from PHLY

PHLY's Special Event General Liability Coverage Provides Peace of Mind and Protection

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Philadelphia Insurance Companies' (PHLY) General Liability Insurance for Special Events is available directly through our partnership with CPH & Associates, the administrator and agent for this special event product.

Special Event General Liability Insurance

Protect yourself from potential liability that may arise from your special event with General Liability Coverage. Many venues also have Special Event Insurance requirements, including that the venue be added to your policy as an additional insured.

PHLY's easy online application provides an instant Event Insurance quote and proof of coverage in minutes.

Our General Liability Insurance for Events includes coverage for bodily injury/property damage, host liquor liability, and more.

Key Benefits

  • Easy online application! Instant quotes available for most events
  • Pay online and print your event coverage insurance policy within minutes
  • Premiums start at $175 and vary based on event type and size
  • Immediate issuance of policy documents via email
  • General Liability Policy Limits: $1 million per occurrence/$3 million aggregate limit (Bodily Injury/Property Damage) (Host Liquor Liability included)
  • Optional Liquor Liability coverage
  • Damage to premises rented to you
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Special Event Insurance is generally purchased to protect the named Insured from lawsuits arising out of Bodily Injury or Property Damage to third parties at your event. Most venues will require you to purchase this coverage and add them as Additional Insured to your policy which is provided under our Special Events coverage.

Liability for bodily injury (BI) or property damage (PD) arising out of the serving or distribution of alcoholic beverages by a party not engaged in this activity as a business enterprise. Host liquor liability exposures are insurable under standard general liability policies. Our liability policy only excludes liquor liability coverage if the named insured on the policy is "in the business" of manufacturing, selling or distributing alcoholic beverages.

Our quotation is good for 30 days however a Special Event Liability Event Policy must be purchased at least 24 hours before your event. As soon as you've selected a date and started putting down deposits. With our easy online application you'll have your proof of coverage in minutes so you can file it away and rest easy knowing you have protection as you continue selecting (and paying) vendors.

The policy protects the person or organization under whose name it was purchased (the "Named Insured"). Your event venue(s) can also be added as Additional Insured. Please note that you cannot add vendors (for example, caterers or musicians) under this policy. Any vendors at your event should have their own liability insurance.

Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company. Rated "A++" (Superior) by the A.M. Best Company for financial stability. PHLY has received several business honors that highlight their financial strength, customer service, and positive work environment.

Policy premiums, taxes, and other charges are fully earned at inception of policy coverage and are non-refundable in the event of cancellation of coverage at any time by the insured.

Yes, a Special Event Liability Policy allows you to name your event venue as additional insured.

No. Special Event Liability insurance affords coverage to the Named Insured. The owners and/or lessors of premises, lessors of leased equipment, sponsors or co-promoters sponsors, promoters and co-promoters is the only entity that can be added to the certificate as an additional insured.

Please contact us at if you need to make a change to your policy

You should file a claim with Philadelphia Insurance Companies as soon as you are aware of an incident. Our online Report A Claim Form allows you to file your claim in just minutes and is available 24/7 on our website Our Claims Customer Service number is 800.765.9749 and is available Monday-Friday 8:30am-8:00pm ET.

For Special Event Liability Insurance, we offer Limits of Liability of $1,000,000 each occurrence/$3,000,000 aggregate.

SE Coverage Table

There is not a deductible for Event Liability (General Liability) Insurance coverage.

The named insured as well as any named honorees on the policy. You also have the option to add an additional insured if this is required by the venue.

You will automatically be emailed your proof of coverage immediately upon purchase of your policy.

If you do choose and/or are required to add an additional insured to your policy, this entity can seek coverage under your policy, if held liable in a claim or suit, resulting from your event. Additional insureds can certainly be added to your policy in your online application, at no additional premium.

You will be asked to pay upon completing your application. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

Yes. Our online web system uses "SSL", a security system that uses a bit of code on your web server that provides security for online communications. When a web browser contacts your secured web site, the SSL certificate enables an encrypted connection universally used by all secure websites. The system also does not keep credit card information, so after your card is charged your personal information will be deleted.

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