Pool & Spa Contractors

We offer a comprehensive program that addresses the unique coverage requirements for companies that provide pool and spa contractor services.

The PHLY Difference

Philadelphia Insurance Companies (PHLY) offers a comprehensive program that addresses the unique coverage requirements for companies that provide pool and spa contractor services. PHLY's program offers coverages for: General Liability, Property, Automobile, Crime, Inland Marine, Umbrella, Pollution, and Professional.

  • All lines of business written with one carrier, including Auto and pollution
  • Auto Enhancement coverages available for fleets of five or more powered vehicles
  • Per Location/ Per Construction General Aggregate Limit
  • Loss Control Services available specifically designed for pool and spa contractors


New Business Submission Portal

Submit New Business Email AccountManagement@phly.com

Contact your local PHLY office

Contact our marketing department, please call 800.873.4552 #3 (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 8:00pm ET)


Documents Required for Proposal

  • Completed and signed/dated PHLY Pool & Spa Contractor Supplemental Application
  • Completed ACORD application
  • Currently valued insurance company loss runs for current policy period plus four (4) years
  • Copy of contract currently used with any/all sub-contractors
  • Copy of contract between insured and customer

Paying your bill?
Have a claim?
Check policies?

Need something else?

Our customer service team is ready to help you with whatever you need.

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