Craft Brewery and Distillery

We offer property and liability insurance solutions for Craft Breweries and Distilleries.

The PHLY Difference

Philadelphia Insurance Companies offers property and liability insurance solutions for Craft Breweries and Distilleries. We provide programs for operations that are just starting up as well as those that are well established.

  • Microbreweries
  • Regional Craft Breweries
  • Craft Distilleries
  • Craft Hard Cideries
  • And many more eligible operations...

Our Craft Brewery & Distillery package policy offers sub-limits to address the specific needs of the operations from processing water, contamination & adulteration, to product withdrawal expense, along with the flexibility to tailor specific coverage enhancements for unique risks. Sample coverage offerings include:

  • $50,000 Processing Water Extra Expense
  • $10,000 Contamination & Adulteration
  • $20,000 Product Withdrawal Expense
  • Broadened definition of Building to include equipment


New Business Submission Portal

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Contact your local PHLY office

Contact our marketing department, please call 800.873.4552 #3 (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 8:00pm ET)


Documents Required for Proposal

  • Completed, signed and dated PHLY Craft Brewery & Distillery application
  • Completed ACORD Application(s) for all lines of coverage being requested
  • Currently valued insurance company loss runs for the current policy period plus three(3) prior years
  • Brochure and advertising materials
  • Color photos of brewing equipment and storage area
  • Resume of owner and brew master
  • Business plan including financials for operations in business less than three (3) years

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Need something else?

Our customer service team is ready to help you with whatever you need.

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