PHLYSenseEasy- Philadelphia Insurance Companies
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Business With PHLY - We Make It EASY!

PHLYSENSE Sensor System

PHLYSENSE is a property monitoring solution that installs in minutes. Organizations get real-time alerts if water is detected or temperatures reach a hazardous level. The program includes sensors and 24/7 monitoring and support, all at no-cost to policyholders with property coverage. Alerts can be sent through SMS text, email, and phone call, and the system can be managed through an innovative mobile app.

By simply setting the sensor devices in strategic areas of your building, you add another layer of property risk mitigation that can help you avoid costly damages and repairs. We make your life easy!

Go Here for additional information.

PHLYSENSE Sensor System

Enroll to receive actionable alerts to help protect your property from water damage and extreme temperatures.

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Give us a call today at 800.873.4552, we look forward to talking to you!

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