Please use the below information to help answer policyholders' and agents' & brokers' frequently asked questions. If you prefer personalized service, feel free to contact us, Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM ET.

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General/Technical allows self password maintenance. Just click the Forgot my password link on the Log In page and submit your User ID and e-mail address that is listed on your account. A temporary password will be sent if the information provided matches our records. If the e-mail account if no longer in use, please contact our Customer Support Team at 877.438.7459 for assistance.

The PDF forms were created with new technology from Acrobat. Thus, to be able to save any of the Philadelphia Insurance Companies applications you must have Acrobat Reader 7 or Higher. It can be downloaded free from Adobe. Get Acrobat Reader

Web forms on transmit data via a secure encrypted SSL connection between your web browser and our secure servers. We use a domain-specific SSL cryptographic certificate provided by PHLY's certificate authority, Entrust. You can tell if a web data submission form is secure by looking for "https://" in the URL bar of your browser. Or your web browser may also display a "lock" image either in the URL bar or the bottom right corner of the browser. Both of these indicate that secure hypertext transfer protocol is being used for communications on that page and that your data is protected when you submit it in the form.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend using the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

If you are using a newer version of Internet Explorer, you may have to utilize the Compatibility button in order for the site to be fully functional. (The Compatibility button looks like a piece of paper torn in two. It is located next to the address bar. You may have to right click the menu bar and enable this button or go to the desktop version for IE 10 users)

Microsoft Edge

  1. Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. Under "Settings", slide the bar down to "Medium".
  4. Click "OK".

Firefox 4.0 and Up

  1. Select "Options" from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. In the "Firefox will:" selection box, please make sure to select "Remember history".
  4. Click "OK".


  1. Select "Settings" from the Main menu.
  2. Click on "Show advanced settings".
  3. Under "Privacy", select "Content" settings.
  4. Click "OK".


  1. Select "Preferences" from the main menu.
  2. Click the "Security" icon
  3. Under "Accept Cookies" selection box, select "Only from sites you navigate to".
  4. Click "OK".

To turn off your Pop-up Blocker, follow the instructions below for the browser you are using:

Microsoft Edge

  1. Select "Internet Options" from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the "Privacy".
    • To disable popups on ALL sites, uncheck the "Turn on Pop-up Blocker" box.
    • To disable popups on ONE site:
      1. Click on "Settings". Enter the URL of the site for which you would like to allow popups.
      2. Click "Add" and close window.
      3. Click "Ok".

Firefox 4.0 and Up

  1. Select "Options" from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on the "Content" and uncheck "Block pop-up windows" under Pop-ups.


  1. At the end of the address bar, click the pop-up blocker icon.
  2. Click the link for the pop-up window you'd like to see.
  3. To always see pop-ups for the site, select "Always show pop-ups from [site]".


  1. Select the settings gear in the upper-right corner.
  2. "Block Pop-up Windows" should be checked.
  3. To disable click on "Block Pop-up Windows" to remove the check-mark.

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You can download a PDF application on individual product pages. You can also submit a new business application online via MYPHLY.

Please go to this page to learn how agents can get started with PHLY.

Loss Run

If you are a policyholder: contact your licensed agent to request a loss runs report.

If you are the agent of record:

  1. Log in to MyPHLY and navigate to Your Dashboard.
  2. Click Reports on the left side menu, then click Loss Runs.
  3. You can generate the report by policy or account number.

If you have any questions, please contact customer service at 877-438-7459 or

Generally, when certain policies do not appear under your User ID, it means that it may not be tied to all the producer codes that are assigned to your agency. Please contact our Customer Support Team at 877.438.7459 for assistance.

You can see invoices and policy documents with your MYPHLY account.

Invoices Steps:

  1. Log into your MyPHLY Account
  2. Select the Policy on your Dashboard that you are trying to locate the invoice for, scroll down to the Billing and Payment section
  3. Select the hyperlink over the invoice number to access your invoice.

Policy Document Steps:

  1. Log into your MyPHLY Account
  2. Select the Policy on your Dashboard that you are trying to locate the policy documents for
  3. Under the Documents section, you will locate all your policy documents.

Claims may be reported online or call the Claims Department at 800.765.9749. if you are having trouble submitting the online form, please view our Troubleshooting Guide.

Reporting a Surety Claim? E-mail or contact a Claims Assistant.

You must first log into your MYPHLY account to search your policy or claim number.

The mailing address is where any account/policy correspondence is sent. The billing address is where the invoice is sent. Please contact your insurance agent if your actual property location has changed, as this may affect your coverage premium.

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You can contact your agent/broker to retrieve these documents. To find the contact information for your agent you can log into MYPHLY and navigate to your existing policy documents and invoice(s). Your agency's name and contact information are listed in those documents.

Paying by ACH?

  1. To make a payment online, log in with your User ID & Password, select Bill Pay on the left-hand side of your navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Online Bill Pay' and choose the option 'ACH'. A new web browser will open, so you will want to ensure your pop-up blocker is disabled.
  3. Start on the 'My Bills' tab. To the right of the invoice information is a link to view the invoice as a PDF or you can select 'Pay'.
  4. The pay button will take you to the payment portal for a one-time payment.

Paying by Credit or Debit Card?

  1. To make a payment online, log in with your User ID & Password, select Bill Pay on the left-hand side of your navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Online Bill Pay' and choose the option 'Credit Card'. A new web browser will open, so you will want to ensure your pop-up blocker is disabled.
  3. Start on your Account tab. Select 'Payments' on the top right then select 'Invoices'.
  4. On the left-hand side, check the box next to the invoice you would like to pay.
  5. On the right-hand side, select 'Pay Now'. This will then bring you to the payment screen.
  6. Select 'Add&Pay' to add your card information you would like to use.
  7. The payment pop-up will appear, enter your card information then select 'Pay' at the bottom of the screen. Once your payment has processed, you will receive a green check.

Use our Guest Payment Portal

  1. On, select the green 'Pay Now (Direct Bill)' that is located at the top right of your screen.
  2. A disclaimer will pop-up, please select 'OK'. A new web browser will open, so you will want to ensure that your pop-up blocker is disabled.
  3. Enter your account and invoice number that you are wanting to pay, then select 'Retrieve My information'.
  4. On the next screen, this will verify the account information you have entered, if correct, select 'Ok'.
  5. Complete the captcha and click continue.
  6. This will now bring you into your payment screen. Select 'Add&Pay' to add a credit card or debit card.
  7. The payment pop-up will appear, enter or confirm your credit card information then select 'Pay" at the bottom of the screen. Once your payment has processed, you will receive a green check.

We accept ACH payments and credit/debit card payments, including Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. We also accept checks and wire transfer payments.

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